21-day study of John

21 Day Bible Study – John 21

Day 21

Read today’s passage: John 21

Reflect on the passage: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This phrase may have haunted you before a job interview or first date. Sometimes our first impression of someone leads to false assumptions. Sometimes we even have a relationship with someone and struggle giving them a second chance when their sin disappoints us. The pressure is high in our society to make a great first impression. If we succeed, we tend to keep our guard up; if someone knew “that” about us, they wouldn’t want to be around us anymore.

Peter had betrayed Jesus after promising he never would. Even after seeing Jesus alive again, Peter heads back out to sea to return to what he was doing before Jesus had called him. He must have felt an overwhelming sense of shame and loss as he loaded the boat to fish that day. Useless to God, he had blown it. He might as well go back to his old job because God definitely couldn’t use a traitor like him to spread the great news that Jesus had died for our sins and was alive again.

Psalm 103:10 says, “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.” The very thing Peter feared was proven a lie by Jesus’ death and resurrection. Thank God He didn’t leave Peter alone. He forgave him and sent him on a mission to preach His word. What a beautiful description of love as Jesus returns to the circumstance where He first called Peter and gives him a second chance.

We are not useless to God when we mess up. In fact, when God forgives our sin and uses us despite it, our life is a witness to Jesus’ love and power.

Respond to your reading & reflection:

– What did you learn about Jesus from this chapter?

– Have you committed a sin you feel has made you useless to God?

– Are you willing to risk people’s opinion of you to find help when you need it?

– Are you forgiving toward others?

More resources to discover.

John 21-Day Study:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21


Need Help?

Reading your bible is a great Next Step and we want you to know you are not alone. Feel free to email us: mynextstep@seekreallife.com if you have any questions as you read or need additional help. We don’t know all the answers but we can get you pointed in the right direction!

Thank you NewSpring Church of Anderson, South Carolina for your help with the reflect and response sections of this resource!