
Real Life Church Exists…
…to help each generation find Real Life through a relationship with God and others.

Watch Sunday’s Sermon

Here’s the latest sermon from Real Life! If you would you like to catch up on past sermons then just press the link above. Would you like the sermon notes or announcements from Sunday? You can find them here.

You are invited to worship with us right here livestreaming or in-person every Sunday at 9:00 or 10:45am. Whether online or on-site let’s worship Jesus together as His church. See you Sunday!

Also… you can watch more VBX Videos here!

Find out what Real Life is all about!

The Real Life Story

The story of Real Life Church begins in spring 2005. Jeff was driving past a field full of hundreds of children playing soccer and he started to wonder how many of them knew Christ, or if they had even been to church. It fell on his heart that there were so many barriers between these kids and a relationship with Christ that he started to pray in his car, saying “God, you should do something about this!”

And God responded: “Yes, I should. What are you going to do about it?” <continue reading>