Who We Are
The boring answer is that we’re Real Life Community Church of the Nazarene. The longer, more interesting answer is that we’re people who love God and want to glorify Him by serving our community, having authentic and honest faith that isn’t afraid to ask questions, and worshiping God with our voices, time, and resources.
Currently there are about 300 people in our congregation, with nearly 70 teens involved in our youth ministries and many, many kids at Sunday morning’s Kidz Life. On any given Sunday, you’ll see people in Marvel t-shirts or leggings or hats. This isn’t a church where you have to dress up! We love it when people come as they are to worship their Creator!
We believe that everyone has a voice and a story, and that anyone can be used by God to serve Him and make His creation – Earth and everyone on it – better.
What We Believe
To put it briefly, we believe in God who has complete power and is wise, good, loving, forgiving, and faithful. We believe He sent His son Jesus and that Jesus was fully God and fully man. We believe that Jesus was crucified and resurrected as the fulfillment of God’s covenant to bring us into full relationship with Him. You can read more about our beliefs regarding works of faith, spiritual gifts, getting baptized, and more here.
We have 6 Core Values that define our ministry and give direction to our community. They are:
Church isn’t just a place you go on Sundays – it’s a daily, lifelong decision to grow and encounter the life God has in mind for you. (Rom. 12:1-2)
At Real Life, we never stop learning and renewing ourselves. We participate in small groups, read the Bible and books that explore it, pray, and together grow more connected to Jesus. (Eph. 4:20-25)
When God changes someone’s life for the better, how can they keep that to themselves? That’s partly why we’re moving to the new property on Mill Plain: our church has seen so many lives changed because people trusted in Jesus and we want more people to experience what it! (Acts 20:22-24)
Jesus was the ultimate servant-leader, someone who lovingly put others’ needs before his own and led by gracious example. Real Life prioritizes volunteering both at church and within our community. There are plenty of ways to get involved and give back at our church, and year-round opportunities to support our local schools and families in need. (Eph. 2:7-10)
When we invite you to come as you are, we mean it. You don’t have to have it all together before coming to God – He knows and loves you as you are right now, and He has blessings in mind for you! We all have a part to play in God’s plan. What will yours be? (Rom. 12:4-5)
We give thanks every day for how God has worked in our lives. When someone’s prayer is answered, we celebrate with them. When we’re able to meet a need in our community, we glorify God for it! (Phil. 4:4-5)
How Our Church Does Sundays
Our service is at 10:45 am and last roughly 70 minutes. You can get a feel for our messages by watching them here or come visit us this Sunday! You can also worship with us online streaming at 10:45 am!
Our worship music ranges from rock covers of old-timey hymns to current songs from a variety of worship bands. Some of our favorites right now are Ghost Ship, Vertical Worship, John Mark McMillan, and Lauren Daigle. If you would like to get a feel for the kind of music we do, check out the Worship tag on our blog.
If you have kids between the ages of infant and 5th grade, they’ll go to Kidz Life, our Sunday morning program. The nursery, toddler room, preschool, and school-agers all enjoy age-appropriate activities that will capture their attention so Jesus can captivate their hearts. Teens are invited to participate in the regular Sunday service; Real Life Student Life, for grades 6-12, meets Monday nights for Junior High and Wednesday nights for Senior High both at 7 pm.
Don’t worry about dressing up for us! We’re a pretty casual bunch. Also, we have coffee.
What Else?
Events: Along with Sunday, we have worship nights a few times a year, and we give people the opportunity to get baptized and commit their lives to Christ at least once a year. We have retreats for men, women, and teens. We have summer camps and Vacation Bible Xtreme for the kids. We also do movie nights, coffee dates, chili cook-offs, and more!
Service: We’re partnered with several local schools to help meet needs of local families. We make it a priority to serve families in need throughout the year, not just at the holidays. If you’re looking for a way to give back to your community as part of an active faith, Real Life can connect you!
Growth: We have plenty of resources where you can learn about the Bible, God, and what it means to follow Jesus. We may not be able to answer all your questions, but we’ll do our best to help guide you to your Next Step.
Want to know more? Come visit us this Sunday at 10:45 am!
Any Questions? Feel free to contact us: office@seekreallife.com